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#Arise Significant


By: Kolleen Lucariello

Hi Activ8Her friends!

Isn’t it amazing that we’ve reached the end of another year together? What an incredible journey it has been as we sailed through the year with Paul, learning how to anchor ourselves to Jesus amid life’s storms. We’ve discovered our Sovereign God can always be trusted. His providential will reminds us of His perfect plans, and even when we navigate challenges within His permissive will, we are assured that our worth is secure in our kingdom identity.


As we transition from our tables of gratitude into the season of Christmas, we invite you to join our conversation about God’s sovereignty, particularly His preceptive will—His will as revealed through His precepts, laws, and commandments. The Psalmist reminds us that, “To obey the Lord is the fundamental principle for wise living; all who carry out his precepts acquire good moral insight. He will receive praise forever” (Psalm 111:10, NET). This month, as we revisit the story of Jesus’ birth, we’ll explore the profound significance of obedience through the life of Joseph, His earthly father.


Merriam-Webster defines a precept as "a command or principle intended especially as a general rule of action.” While the Scriptures may not provide extensive details about Joseph, it is undeniable that he was a man of action. His willingness to follow God’s instructions not only paved the way for the life of Jesus but also played a crucial role in the fulfillment of God’s divine plan for Jesus. The significance of his obedience reaches beyond his own life, impacting all of eternity.


Joseph had not been aware when the decision was made to take Mary as his bride of the plan God had for their future. Mary would carry God’s Son; Joseph would help her carry the burden of responsibility. What stands out to me is Joseph’s willingness to set aside his own self-interest to obey what God was asking of him, even though it brought complete disruption to his life.


We know he took some time to contemplate the news of her unplanned pregnancy (Matthew 1:20). Joseph would not only live with the knowledge that this child was not biologically his, but the question of paternity most likely followed their family the entirety of Jesus’ life. What effect would this have on his status within the community? The circumstances surrounding Jesus’ birth would always carry a shadow of speculation and judgment within their community. Yet, Joseph chose obedience over concern for reputation, embracing the role God had given him with faith and humility.


It seems likely that he would have loved staying in his neighborhood—the comfort of home, tending to his flock, and building his carpentry business. There’s a sense of security in that. But God’s plan required movement—not just to another town, but to another country. If God was going to protect Jesus and fulfill what He had spoken through the prophets, Joseph had to trust Him completely, even if it meant moving his family from Israel to Egypt. God would let Joseph know when the threat was over and it was time, once again, to set aside self-interest and settle in the town of Nazareth. The town the prophets spoke of and the one Nathanial doubted anything good could produce. (Matthew 2:23; John 1:26).


Do you suppose Joseph had the same questions running through his mind that go through mine? What’s the cost of this to me? What are people going to think of me? Why are you asking this of me? Self-interest often puts up a protective shield around me, myself and I. But we have the potential to #AriseSignificant when we, like Joseph, are willing to allow God’s instruction to bring disruption.


What concerns me about this disruption is that God might require me to lose the attitude, release the resentment, forgive the wrongdoer, or give beyond what I think I’m capable of. But, self-interest can interfere with God’s best interest. Following God’s instructions inevitably brings disruption—it can disrupt our comfort and security, relationships and social expectations, plans and timelines, and even our emotional resilience. Yet, when we choose obedience over comfort, we discover that God uses our lives in profound ways for His kingdom purposes. The disruption, though challenging, is always part of His greater plan to bring about transformation in us and through us.


As you prepare to celebrate the holidays, remember the wisdom of the Psalmist: “To obey the Lord is the fundamental principle for wise living; all who carry out His precepts acquire good moral insight. He will receive praise forever” (Psalm 111:10, NET). Good intentions are nice, but they aren’t the same as obedience. Good intentions leave room for excuses when we don't stick to our original plan. When we submit to God's preceptive will, we are able to rest from worry knowing our decisions are guided by Him. Obedience to His will brings peace, clarity, and alignment with His greater purposes.


What might God be asking of you that will bring a bit of disruption to your plans but draw you closer to His? Are your celebrations centered around your own enjoyment, or do they celebrate a Savior and serve the kingdom? Let’s be intentional about aligning our actions with His will, even if it means stepping out of our comfort zones. Remember, our obedience not only brings glory to God but also furthers His purposes in the world, impacting lives for eternity.


Merry Christmas beautiful friends. May you experience the fullness of love, joy and peace this Christmas season and #AriseSignificant by allowing God to disrupt your plans for His as you anchor yourself to His preceptive will.


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