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A Very Merry Cindy Christmas in July


In January of 2022, Activ8Her began planning a single mom Christmas event named after Chrissy and Kolleen's close friend Cindy, a single mom raising a set of twins who'd passed away from lung cancer.

After hearing the vision of AVMCC, Kelly Miller joined with Activ8Her to help plan the event. Sadly, in September of 2022, Kelly would discover she was in a battle of her own with cancer. During one of their conversations, Kelly expressed to Kolleen she believed God was speaking to her about a Christmas in July event. Of course, they both presumed this would be an event held at Kelly's beloved Creekside Inn. And then, Kelly passed away in January. It was a shock to everyone.

Grief has been a hard taskmaster to process through. But, as we've considered and prayed about Kelly's vision for Christmas in July, we believe this is how we can best honor her desire to host one. So, in Kelly's honor we would like to invite you to participate in A Very Merry Cindy Christmas in July.

Throughout the month of July we invite you to help us celebrate the lives of these two remarkable women. How?

1. Help us create a Single Mom Prayer Journal from Cindy's handwritten notecards. Reminders she wrote to herself and placed throughout her home to keep her focused on God's goals.We have commissioned Michelle Rayburn to help us design and create this project. Estimated cost: $1,500.00

2. Shop our Activ8Her Very Merry Cindy Christmas wish list on Amazon and begin Christmas shopping now! Your donations will be sent to Activ8Her and set aside until Christmas. You can also check back periodically as we update the list until Christmas.

3. Make a financial donation to be used to purchase items necessary to complete each gift for a single mom. Example: Last year we purchased handmade baskets from a ministry in Haiti @$40.00 per basket.

4. Donate items for the baskets that will be a blessing to a single mom.

Cindy and Kelly lived their lives expressing the love of Jesus to others by extending His love and care through their commitment to see beyond their own need. They gave of themselves to help others and they believed in the power of community. We'd love to have you join us in this mission of Activ8Her as we become an extension of these two remarkable women who longed to see single moms experience the love of Jesus.



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